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My time in the river helped me learn more about the rhythm of the river.  The Green river isn’t just a river.  It is a multi-layered story of currents, water, seasons, shorelines, habitat, stone, fish, wildlife, forests, and humans.  All the elements that make up the watershed create the river.  The story unfolds in the myriad of springs and streams that flow from drops of water that begin as snow or rain.  The springs and streams flow into the river giving it shape and form.  The water forms the carved sandstone edges, the forest around the river, and the currents that follow the channels downstream.

Arts in Nature Festival

Arts in Nature Festival

Arts in Nature Festival

Interactive Display August 25th & 26th

Take a journey from the city scapes of the lower Green-Duwamish river upstream to the wild Green River Gorge.  I will be exhibiting video and photographs from my documentary The Green River Gorge, The Power of Place as part of an interactive display at Cabin 3 at Camp Long.  As part of that display I will be leading interactive activities around salmon in our watershed. Interactive activities are kid and adult friendly.   Please join me at the festival for a creative day of art and community.