"The Green River Clean-Up was conceived by Volunteers for outdoor Washington. In 1985 they removed over 100 tons of trash, pollutants, cars, tires, appliances etc. on 130 miles of river banks from Tacoma’s Headworks to Elliot Bay. The 14 mile Gorge reach was organized by Washington State Parks Dennis Meyers, then Ranger At Kanaskat Palmer. Included Washington Kayak Club, Paddle Trails Canoe Club, Boeing Whitewater and Touring Club and the fledgling Washington Recreational River Runners".
Whitewater rafters enjoying the Gorge at Paradise Falls at the Green River Gorge Resort.
Join the 2018 Green River Cleanup
May 5th, 2018
For the last 33 years the Washington Recreational River Runners and Friends of the Green, and others have been organizing a river cleanup of the Green River Gorge. Whitewater boaters come from all over to run the iconic Green River Gorge and give back to their river. As many as 500 boaters and ground crews have shown up to help clean up the river and shorelines of garbage. Garbage that at times consists of flip flops, beer bottles, and deflated inner tubes. Other times boaters and ground crews have removed old cars, motorcycle skeletons and even a car sized plastic jug.
You never know what you will find. A couch and a mattress. Last years inflatable inner tube. Always a cadre of empty and sometimes full beer cans.
Last year was an unexpected adventure. The opportunity to run the incredible Green River Gorge at 3200 c.f.s. on a weekend is a rare. To get to do it with hundreds of other rafters who are there to cleanup the Green River Gorge is probably a once in a life time event. That was the case this last years 32nd Annual Green River Cleanup.
If you are an expert boater this is a great opportunity to run one of the top whitewater rivers in Washington State.
Expert boaters consider the Green River Gorge one of the best whitewater runs in Washington State.
For non boaters or inexperienced boaters you can see the river through a reputable whitewater rafting company as a passenger or join one of the ground crews at various locations along the river.
If your not an expert whitewater boater go with a local professional river guide company.
As always, garbage continues to be a problem where ever people can access the Gorge. I doubt there will ever be a day when the Green River Cleanup is not needed. For now the annual event is a great way to see this unique river gorge and give back to the river.
For more information visit: http://www.greenrivercleanup.org
Even dogs love the Green River Gorge