My Canyoneering shoes on a sandstone shelf in the Green River Gorge. In 2016 I hiked the entire twelve mile Green River Gorge.
When I started this documentary my goal was to pull together my 20+ years of experience working on land conservation and advocacy in the Middle Green River watershed. I'm at a point in my life where it is time to move on to the next focus in my life but I felt that I needed to leave behind some bread crumbs for those who came after me.
A lot of basis for this is because when I started working on conservation in this area I often stumbled upon isolated efforts led by different people over the years that had led to some amazing results but were often forgotten or abandoned after those people moved on.
So the over all goal of this documentary is to pull together all those stories, along with a timeline and conservation achievements, and personal stories of connection to this particular area of the Green River. Additionally it is my hope that our collective stories and achievements will inspire others to take over where we have left off and create their own story in the years to come.
I've just published my story, Lisa Parsons.
Also check out the biography I posted last week about environmentalist, Doreen Johnson.